"Music is honest with Everyone"
1. What slogan would represent you and your art the most?
- I was chosen by Music! And, our feelings are mutual!
2. What do you value the most in music?
- In music I appreciate most the truth and sincerity! Music is honest with Everyone! If you find a common language, You will become friends for Your entire life!
3. Many musicians say that they get to know themselves more and open own new talents because of your art…How the music influenced you?
- Musician is always upon the look. Perfection knows no limits. Over the years, you perform the same piece in different ways. It is too beautiful for words. This is movement. This is growth!
One thing I know for sure, I found myself due to Music!
This is the Hapiness!
4. What does music mean to you?
- My another Mommy! She will comfort and understand, wipe tears away and inspire, always there and never betray!
5. Who are your idols?
- The word Idol is something Loud, Unexplored and Approachless! Only the Lord (Universe, Space) can be my Idol! Every human is unique, one of a kind created by the All-Father.
6. If you weren't a musician, what would you be?
- Only Music.
7. Do you think that musicians have all opportunities to become popular and successful in Kazakhstan (on globally)? Why?
- There are always chances. If You are a professional, You will be recognized as professional in any point of the world. Be committed to your profession, despite the trials and difficulties.
Any profession requires professionalism. And even more so Music! Music is Mother. She is demanding, strict, wise and loving. If you do everything right, she always will reward you!
8. What is the ideal life for you as a musician?
- I have no concept like ideal life for a musician
It is far from perfect! This is very essence…
If everything is perfect that means that we have launched into eternity!